The Pharisees judged Jesus by he did on the Sabbath. We are certain many Adventists would have been right there accusing as well. After all, on the surface, gathering grain was a BIG no-no on Sabbath. But motives are always the true measurement. And we do not know people's motives.
Ellen G. White does not need anyone to defend her. She can stand on her own merit. Whatever she said must be taken in context and always tracked by The Bible. We can never say to anyone that they must do something because Ellen G. White said it. Warning, joke coming.
At potluck someone brought fish. The potluck leader was aghast and said we don't eat fish. The person replied that Jesus ate fish. Yes, the leader answered. But that was before Ellen G. White.
If you mindlessly follow each and every thing that Mrs. White wrote, that was not her intent. In fact, she did not want her writings to be used from the pulpit, only scripture.
We cannot defend everything Ellen G.White wrote. We don't need to. Anytime anyone says that you must be weird because of a specific thing she wrote, we have simple answers. We don't follow anything Ellen G.White says JUST because she wrote it. End of story. We follow the Bible teachings only. We use her for what she was and is. Nothing more, nothing less. Each person can make up their own minds what to believe. Believing that there are prophets past, present, and future, is what every Christian should believe.
We cannot defend everything that the Apostle Paul wrote either, when taken out of context or as a guide for today. Women today do not need to keep silent. We don't worry about food sacrificed to idols...or do we? These are prime examples that one can use when confronted with those on both sides of the "Ellen White" conflict. We don't follow all that Paul preached. To be saved, we must accept that one does not even need to read EGW.
But the opposite is also true. Why do some ex-Adventists feel the need to bash the woman? Coming out and calling her all sorts of names. No reason. You don't want to believe EGW, no problem. You want to believe EGW, no problem. Adventists should be clear that The Bible is the finals word, and your salvation is does not depend on following EGW. She was a church founder. A prophet. A leader.
Now for those of you who think Ellen G. White is not a prophet, we know of many people who have been called prophets. From Billy Graham to Oral Roberts. From Rick Warren to Max Lucado. Maybe not outright, but many people love and follow their writings and teachings....as if they were prophets.
If people have trouble reading and following books by lay people, like EGW, then they should also have a problem with reading The Purpose Driven Life as well.
Crafts: The Creation Story