The Undercover Adventist believes that every person on this earth, who God holds accountable, have experienced miracles. Everyone can say something like, "Wow, that was a miracle!" Even those that don't believe in Jesus. How do we know this? Things happen every day to ordinary people. They do get healed. Either by modern medicine or without. Sure, some say this is luck. What do people mean by luck? Perhaps what they mean at least some of the time, is "miracle," not luck.
But of course most of these daily miracles remain only in our minds for a short time. Think about when you thought something was going to be impossible. But it happened. The Berlin Wall falling was such a modern event. Given the climate just 20 years earlier, this was a miracle for those people.
We could mention many things. History is full of miracles. From the founding of this nation, to The Six-Day War. If you don't know anything about that, shame on you.
Our modern conveniences are also miracles. Think about The Apostles. What would they think if you told them someday you will get in an airplane and be anywhere in the world one day. In fact, we would argue that a plane staying up in the air, is a miracle! A scientific miracle!
The Apostles healed people. But they for sure saw a lot of pain, suffering and death due to illness and injury. Modern medicine is indeed a miracle. Take a pill, be cured of an infection. Break your arm, get it x-rayed, set, cast, pinned, and voila! A completely healed arm! Any broken bone two thousand years ago, could result in death, and sure to maim a person for life.
Just about every modern convenience and accomplishment would seem like a miracle to those living just 100 years ago.
Perhaps, just perhaps Jesus works these modern day miracles. Many scientists, doctors, researchers are led by The Holy Spirit. Could we say that some of these breakthroughs were God-led miracles? The principles that make modern medicine what it is today, many times were discovered by men of God.
People today might think that science and God are not compatible. But they have a long history of being intertwined.
And if you meet a modern day scientist who does not believe in God, ask them about evolution. Because the whole theory of evolution would have to be a miracle. In fact, how much belief does it take to actually believe that a complex human body evolved from an explosion? From one cell? From an ape! Now that would indeed be a miracle!