Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Does turning the other cheek mean accepting Muslim refugees?

The Undercover Adventist has heard some chatter on this subject. About loving your enemies and turning the other cheek. And that we should accept refugees because of this. We beg to differ. It is completely out of context.

Answer this. Do you or did you have small children in your house? Did you lock the doors? Why? Because you are mean and unchristian? Of course not. Do you screen some of the friends your kids hang out with? Do you ever tell your children who and where they should associate themselves? Of course you do. And it does not make you a bigot.

And that,my dear Adventist friends, is the point. Adventist churches kick people out. They ban them. They take them off their membership rolls. Why? Because they will either endanger people in the church, or preach some anti-gospel. Or worse. That's not mean. That's not bigotry. It's to keep people safe. We bet that many who want Muslim refugees, might support restraining orders for an abusive spouse.

If you believe that we should just regularly and with reckless abandon accept Muslim refugees, then you must be willing to go all in. If not, you are a hypocrite. So, don't lock your door. Tell people they cannot get restraining orders. Suggest that schools cannot expel students. Have churches not screen for child molesters. After all, that would be mean, right?

Since the vast majority of terrorist acts are committed in the name of only one religion, it is prudent, not mean, to restrain this. It's also common sense like locking your door at night or blocking bad influences from your children.

It has nothing to do with turning the other cheek or loving your enemies.

It's about keeping your family safe. Letting refugees in makes your children a little less safe. Just like leaving your doors and windows unlocked. In fact, Jesus told a few parables on having your house robbed.

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