Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Should Adventists "Celebrate" Halloween?

No, Adventists should not celebrate halloween. But that does not mean they should hide either. If you lock the doors, turn off the lights, then hope no trick or treaters come by, shame on you. You are not doing what you should be doing: Evangelizing.

If you are home, and you know children will be trick or treating in your neighborhood, you should be telling them about Jesus. Various candies come with tracts that you can pass out. You can also give them pencils with verses, cross erasers, etc. It does not have to be candy.

And...you should be telling them about Jesus in some way. Buy little bags and put tracts in them with the goodies. Put a little note about coming to your church.

Allowing the devil to completely have the day is nonsense. Why are YOU not taking it back?