Friday, November 30, 2018

Adventist (always?) seem to fall for false prophets

From William Miller, to present day charlatans who claim they know it all, Adventist have fallen for false prophets.

You see them on youtube. You see them on the Hope Channel. You see them on 3ABN. Yes, they show up everywhere, including your local church.

Why? Why do Adventists relish falsehoods?

Maybe it's in our DNA....after all, we came out of a false prophet. Any way you slice it, Miller was a false prophet.

We won't name names, but the continuing onslaught of predictions of this, and a prophecy of that, just seem to flow forth in present day.

Maybe it's the evil of the internet. Maybe people are just not as smart as before.

Any time you hear anyone say something that you know is NOT Biblically correct, tune them out and turn them off.

Like it or not, our founding members did not have everything right. They debated lots of things. They changed on many points. They even told us to be searching, always, for more light. More truth.

But not from snake oil salesmen who peddle nonsense.

Wake up. Read. Watch what is happening in the world. If you have your head stuck in 3ABN all day and night, you will be a mess. You will hear things that are just not true.

Adventists need to wake up and smell the coffee...and pork. Get a grip on reality.

Remember that these false prophets always have a way out. They will say that God changed, or we did not do what we were supposed to do, or other such rot. As if we, as mere humans, can simply get God to do (or not do) anything. If only we had that power.

William Miller and his followers found this out the hard way. Miller never recovered and led many to give up their faith.

So false prophets will come, false prophets will go. What remains is, what will you do? Will you actually read The Bible? Will you look around you and see if things shape up the way they say?

And the last thing, is that false prophets keep coming. Some just go on deceiving more people, even after they fail.

Don't fall for it. 1844 is not a disappointment. It's a deception. A great deception.

Pray there will never be another great deception again.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Adventist Church is a Business, and a Pastor is Just Another Career Choice.

Where all of this "unity" nonsense started, is when people who lead the church no longer considered it a calling. It is now a career choice. It is a job. And jobs are where the world starts to tell you that you need benefits, high wages, recognition, compensation, and above all....your rights!

Since when are Adventist church workers just employees? They are demanding their rights. Not Christian rights, but worldly rights.

Pastors it seems have more time off, less work hours, more pay, and it seems to have become just another job.

So if young people going into the ministry are choosing a career instead of a calling, darn straight they will want the perks of a career.

Does your pastor turn off his or her phone? Do they visit less? Do they lead church activities less? Do they seem to take more vacation time? Hmmmmm. Something behind the scenes is going on. Perhaps our pastors are now getting comp time. Or feel that if it's not a paid part of the job, then they won't do it. Perhaps they think that after 40 hours of "church" time, they cannot (shouldn't?) Work any more. After all, they are demanding what the world gets.

Some pastors even will not preach on the fifth Sabbath of the month. What other job does that? Anything special about working weekends? We at the Undercover Adventist have never heard of anyone getting the last days of the month off because they have worked their allotment of Mondays, or Tuesdays, or Wednesdays....

If you don't like the struggles that come with being a pastor....DON'T BECOME ONE! Simple! Don't become a pastor and then....


Christians give up their "worldly" rights anyway. You are not heirs to the world so stop acting like it!

It looks as though pastors will one day demand comp time. After all, how can they spend hours on a sermon, then do many hours a week on visiting, research, counseling, teaching, leading, praying...

We can see it now. Cutting a prayer meeting short because one has already prayed a certain number of hours.

And women....please stop demanding equal rights. (Notice we did not say you don't deserve them?) Demanding this and demanding that are NOT Christian attributes. In fact, just the opposite. You are to be humble. You are to serve. You are to sacrifice. You are not of the world. So why act like the world owes you? You don't work for the world. You work for God. You do service for Jesus.

There are a lot of lay people in the church who are the backbone. They do more work than many pastors do with their whole bodies. And they don't ask for recognition. They don't demand something. They are supporting you. They are making YOUR job easier.

You look foolish when you start treating your pastoral duties as if it was a job, complete with a benefit package, vacation, union contract, etc.

We suspect pastors will start a union some day.

After all, the Adventist hospitals have had to accept unions...of course we won't comment here on the extremely high salaries of hospital leaders.... But we have no trouble debating whether EGW would accept hospital CEOs being paid millions.... We suspect she would not.

Speaking of debate...why is the debate about women being ordained never done in the light of Christ? It's always done from a world point of view: We demand our rights!

As the Adventist church gets filled more and more by young people who just make a career choice, the more demands will be made to be more like the world.