Thursday, December 27, 2018

Jesus Was Not a Refugee

To justify more illegal immigrants coming to the USA, some people are pulling the Jesus-as-a-refugee card. Claiming His flight to Egypt gave Him refugee status. Not quite.

Now in the history of the Jews, they did settle in the land of Egypt. But they were invited there when Joseph was in charge. Then what happened? Within 400 years, they were slaves. None of this would ever make one a refugee.

After leaving, they plundered the Egyptians, raided the land of Canaan, and took it over as God promised. Nothing there would even remotely be refugee status. The aliens they allowed to live there, were required to embrace the Jewish culture and be ruled by God.

But people seem to think that Joseph and Mary fleeing to Egypt made them refugees when threatened by Herod. Not quite.

They simply moved from one region of the Roman Empire to another. The area we call Egypt was completely Roman. As a side note, the Romans named the capital city, Babylon.

So in reality, Jesus was not a refugee. No more than someone who is poor in Oklahoma, going to Texas to work in the oil fields. Or someone who does not like all the taxes and regulations in California, and moving a business or family to Arizona. Perhaps even a Mormon leaving NYC for more friendly confines of Utah. Or an Adventist moving to Loma Linda. You are NOT a refugee.

Too many people today are trying to use The Bible against a certain president and make political theater. From building walls, to aliens. But the arguments crumble under the weight of reality. The wall, for example.  The Jews were commanded to build a wall around Jerusalem. Lets' stop the insanity of using The Bible for or against our political foes.

Now Jesus being rejected by the Jews is a different matter altogether.