The Undercover Adventist is a blog devoted to Adventism and The Seventh Day Adventist Church. This includes Sabbath School, controversial topics, and opinions on how Adventists might be doing things wrong, or right.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Friday, February 3, 2023
Sabbath School Lesson 6: Laying Up Treasure in Heaven
Managing for the Master Till He Comes
Sabbath School Lesson 6
Laying Up Treasure in Heaven
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> Download the notes for this lesson's video here.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Christians and Bankruptcy
Nowhere in The Bible does it tell us that we should not file for bankruptcy. It does, however, discourage getting so far into debt that you cannot repay it. God's children were never to be slaves to anyon or anything, except The Master, Jesus Christ. In Romans 1:1, Paul calls himself just that.
For people today it is easy to go into debt. Many people file bankruptcy. The Christian thing to do it to pay your debts. Avoid going into bankruptcy by looking at all options.
There are times when you feel as if you have reached the end, and the only solution is bankruptcy. There are several ways that even a Christian might consider a reason to allow bankruptcy.
Sometimes it might be that a credtitor is able to force you into bankruptcy. Although this is rare, it could happen. Depending on the number of creditors, one of them could force it. Bankruptcy actually helps the creditors, as they will recoup some of what is owed them.
Financial hardships become so great that there is no other alternative. Your life can change in an instant. All this could add to emotional suffering and stress. The pressure and shame is too great to bear. Your very health is at risk.
Would you like a case where bankruptcy is an option for even a Christian? Consider when a spouse dies or abandons the family. There might be several debts due and the remaining spouse is unable to afford to pay them. Creditor phone calls add to the emotional pain.
How about a natural disaster? Lack of enough insurance sends many to fall behind and into debt.
Bankruptcy in these cases will ease the financial burdens and mental anguish.
We know that many Christians also go through unwanted divorces. Christians should not feel shamed by going into bankruptcy for the above and similar reasons.
If you are spending money that you don't have, for things you don't need, your lifestyle is not exactly Christ-like. We always encourage a Christ-like life, filled with prayer, Bible study, worship, and fellowship.