Scripture Readings: Romans 3:1–4, Isaiah 5:3–4, Revelation 15:3, Revelation 19:1–6
The great controversy between good and evil is not just about humanity’s salvation; it is about God’s character. Satan has accused God of being unjust, of demanding obedience without reason, and of withholding good from His creation. But through Scripture, we see that God’s righteousness is fully vindicated. What more could He have done than what He has already done?
The Charge Against God (Isaiah 5:3–4)
In Isaiah 5, God speaks of Israel as a vineyard that He has tenderly cared for. He asks, “What more could have been done to My vineyard that I have not done in it?” (Isaiah 5:4, NKJV). The picture here is of a loving God who has provided every opportunity for His people to flourish, yet they have rejected Him. This passage echoes the larger cosmic conflict—God has done everything to reveal His love, yet still, many turn away.
The Faithfulness of God Despite Human Unfaithfulness (Romans 3:1–4)
Paul addresses a crucial question in Romans 3: Even if some do not believe, does that nullify God's faithfulness? He answers resoundingly, “Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4). The failure of human beings does not reflect a failure in God’s character. Rather, it demonstrates the reality of free will and the consequences of rejecting Him. God remains just, even when people turn from Him.
The Ultimate Vindication (Revelation 15:3; 19:1–6)
In Revelation 15:3, the redeemed sing, “Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!” Similarly, in Revelation 19:1–6, heaven rejoices in the final victory of God’s righteousness. These passages confirm that, in the end, all creation will recognize the justice of God’s judgments. His character will be fully vindicated before the universe.
What More Could He Do?
God has done everything possible to save humanity. He has given His Word, sent prophets, provided His Son as a sacrifice, and extended mercy again and again. What more could He do? The only thing He will not do is force us to love Him. The cosmic conflict is not just about power—it is about trust.
One day, every voice in heaven and earth will acknowledge: “True and righteous are His judgments” (Revelation 19:2). May we choose today to trust in His justice, walk in His truth, and proclaim His righteousness.
Call to Action: Let us remain faithful to the One who has never failed us. Let us declare His goodness and be part of those who will sing His praises for eternity.
More: Lesson 11 What More Could I Have Done?