Monday, August 15, 2016

Watching Only Religious Channels is Not Wise

The Undercover Adventist meets quite few people who watch certain channels for what seems like 24/7. I hear it in their conversations. Sure, we watch some of them at times. They have their place. Remember that last line, please. But if all you are doing is sticking your head in the sand of these channels, you are missing out on reality. It is our belief that if that's all you are doing, you are ripe for deception. Why?

You won't know what is going on in the world. You need to know. You need to know the news of the day. What people around the world are doing. What they are thinking. What leaders are doing. Do you even know anything about Vladimir Putin? What he is? Can you name the leader of China? Can you find Syria on a map? Do you know what religion has 800 million followers in India? Do you know what the stock market is doing?

Can you name one law that was passed recently? Can you name a Supreme Court justice? Can you name them all?

If the only thing you are doing is watching people that have a religious agenda, then that's the slant you will get. Make no mistake about it. Each and every channel has an agenda. How do you know they have the right agenda? Humans run these channels. And yes, they will also ask you to send them money to further their agenda. Remember, most of these channels are not owned and operated by the Adventist Church.

You do yourself  a disservice by watching nothing but these channels. You need to be well informed on what is going on in the world. You need to know the reality of the day. Do not be ripe for deception. Watch as much as you can. Digest it. Ponder it. Pray over it.

As we stated before, these channels have their rightful place in your Christian walk. But do not put your faith entirely on what they say and do. If you do, you are missing out on real events going on right now.

The Undercover Adventist would like to reiterate that you need to know what is going on in the world now more than ever!

Read a daily Bible story here!

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