Monday, October 8, 2018

Unity Sabbath Quarterly is an Adventist Shot Across the Bow

Just like we reported last year when stewardship as slipped in to up the giving, this quarter is another subtle dig into the political parts of the church.

While there's nothing wrong with the substance, maybe, on its own, but slipping it into a Sabbath School quarter, is a tad underhanded. Hmmmm. Heavy handed?

Make no mistake about it. This unity is the leaders' idea of untiy. Not yours. Not mine. Not ours. But theirs. Fall in line, or else.

Some have even started to say that we have become militant. That we are now coming up with rules and regulations that a member MUST follow or else....excommunicated. (for lack of a better word).

The people at the tower of babel were united. Apparently that was not a good thing.

Unity for unity's sake, is a farce.

So what do we think the real issue is in unity? Perhaps more than one:

Ordination of women. Get in line with U N I T Y.

Perhaps we can toss in gay marriage, 6 day creation, and other things.

You would think with the experts we have in charge, and the amount of money we pay them, that they would be able to hash out a Biblical solution.

We can be unified on a number of things. But how about the full set of 28 fundamental beliefs? We would hazard a guess that most people have an issue with at least one point or subpoints.

Have you ever read what you swear to on a baptismal certificate..done in a church by a pastor who actually cares about such things? You raise your right hand and sweat to a lot of things. Things that have nothing to do with salvation as told in The Gospel. So we come up with rules made by men.

Except for major sin, nobody was ever told to leave the early church, or kicked out. Paul and Peter, were not in agreement. They were unified in The Gospel.

If this Sabbath quarterly will focus on the unity of The Gospel, no problem.

Buy we will predict that as you dig into it and go will see what you must do and believe. and if not, you are a rebel and not unified.

No organized church, including The Seventh Day Adventist Church, has the power to set the rules of salvation. None. The very things we call out the Catholic church for....we are rapidly becoming.

No one man (or woman) has the power to set themselves up in a dictatorship of a church.

How unified are you?

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