The Undercover Adventist is a blog devoted to Adventism and The Seventh Day Adventist Church. This includes Sabbath School, controversial topics, and opinions on how Adventists might be doing things wrong, or right.
I'm going to show you how you can tell people about Jesus using just a pencil.
If I put a pencil down on a table, is it doing what it was designed for?
No, it's not designed to just lay there. I need to put it in my hand. We are like a pencil. In order for us to do what we were designed to do, we need to be in the hand of Jesus.
Looking at this pencil, there is something you can't see. it is hidden. What is it?
We can't see the part of the pencil that makes it write. What do I need to do?
I need to sharpen it. Sometimes we have things in our lives that do not make Jesus happy. We let Jesus cut them away. Sometimes this does not feel good, but Jesus wants us to be at our best so He sharpens us.
Now, once a pencil is in my hand and sharp, what am I supposed to do with it?
I use it to write. Each of us will write different words. Our stories are all different. Jesus made us all unique.
What's this piece in top?
It's an eraser. What is it for?
If we make a mistake, we can use the eraser to make it go away. Sometimes we make mistakes and don't do what makes Jesus happy.
If we ask Jesus to forgive us, Jesus will be the best eraser ever. He will erase our mistakes and they are gone forever.
The next time you use a pencil in school, remember how we are like a pencil in the hand of Jesus. He will help us, and we can tell someone else about Jesus using just a pencil.