Thursday, July 18, 2024

What does Jesus being Lord of the Sabbath Mean?

Mark 2:28

"Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath."

That verse is quoted by many Adventists to somehow show that Jesus kept the Sabbath and the Sabbath is still in effect.

But does that really mean that?

We go further and say something like, Jesus said He was Lord of the Sabbath and not Sunday, so we should go to church on Saturday.

When you actually read that carefully, it makes little sense. What you are saying is that Jesus is ONLY Lord of the Sabbath, and not any other day.

Other Christians may have a problem with that. Are you saying that Jesus is not Lord of the others? Then who is?

Let's stop using this as some tactic to argue the Sabbath, and use it for what it means.

We kow very well Jesus was not trying to convict anyone of the Sabbath. His audience was Jews. They already kept the Sabbath.

If Jesus was not making this statement to prove the Sabbath, then why are we?

Jesus was claiming the rights of the Sabbath giver. He was claiming to be the Creator, the very instigator of the Sabbath.

If anyone had authority to make rules for Sabbath keeping, it was Jesus. The pharisees had set their own rules and neglected the true meaning. Jesus was setting them straight.

How dare they throw rules at Him, when He alone was, "Lord of the Sabbath."

Are trying to be your own, "Lord of the Sabbath"? Do you make up rules that conflict with others anc cause problems? What standard are you using for your Sabbath rules? The Bible, or your own traditions?

We should stop using this title in a different way than Jesus did. Let's all take an inward look at how we are keeping the Sabbath so as not to conflict with the true,

LORD of the Sabbath.

1 comment:

  1. The statement is " Therefore the Son of man is Lord ALSO of the Sabbath"

    Most sabbatarians don't read that word, 'ALSO.' Jesus throughout the book of Mark by His miracles, teachings, and healing, He has shown that He is God and the law and the prophets testifies of Him.

    He is not only the Lord of the Sabbath but Lord of ALL to mean that everything He created and gave are subservient to His authority.
    Jesus is the fulfillment of the Sabbath rest God gave to the Israelites. He was the rest manifested to the Pharisees. He had now come to fulfil the Sabbath shadow that the Israelites were given on their way from Captivity. He is indeed the Lord also of the sabbath.
