Thursday, August 1, 2024

Did Jesus Declare All Foods Clean in Mark 7:14-15?

Did Jesus Declare All Foods Clean in Mark 7:14-15?

Here is the passage (NIV):

"14 Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. 15 Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” "

As Adventists, we must be very careful on this. We so much tout the 10 Commandments, and claim that other laws were nailed to the cross.

The odd thing here, is that Adventists and other denominations actually agree that laws were done away with at the cross. We just disagree on which ones and how many.

So where does pork fit in? It certainly is not part of the 10 Commandments, no more than circumcision is. Did Paul do away with circumcision?

Paul preached that Gentiles need not be circumcised. Never did he mention Jews. In reality, with all his preaching, he himself had to circumcise Timothy in order for him to be allowed in the temple and synagogues.

We tell people that circumcision was nailed to the cross, as that was a ceremonial law.

When we talk about pork, generally we tell people it is unclean and must not be eaten. We sometimes go overboard and call it a mortal sin and you will go to hell by eating bacon.

Other denominations point out exactly what Jesus said. It is a very dangerous game if we try and twist the words of Jesus.

We seem to have nailed all laws to the cross except the 10 Commandments and eating pork with other unclean foods. If we did that, as part of the Mosaic Law, we would be no better than the Pharisees, picking and choosing which part of the Mosaic Law was still in effect.

We like to emphasize the "unclean" part about pork. Again, we seem to ignore all other laws that called people and things unclean. A woman during her menstrual flow was declared unclean. We don't seem to follow that one, do we?

In fact, we follow none of the health, social, ceremonail, or agriculture laws, but we sure shout about pork!

Here is the reality that we must grasp. We cannot pick and choose what parts of the Mosaic Law to follow, as we will look foolish if we pick one and erase another. We need to rethink what following Jesus means.

Gentiles are not to become Jews. Paul made that clear with circumcision. He also made this statement:

1 Corinthians 10:23 (NIV): “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.

Smoking, drinking, circumcision, eating pork, etc., are nowhere in the 10 Commandments. What would Jesus do?

As Christians, we are supposed to keep our bodies as a temple. Smoking and drinking defiles our bodies. It is unhealthy. So is eating pork. Science has spoken loud and clear on this one. Eating pork is very bad for your health.

That's where we would take this. Keeping your bodies as fit as possible. The same people who scream about pork, also probably eat ice cream and other high fat foods.

Out potlucks are full with rich desserts. Are members of your congregation obese? Is the pastor obese? Do we really follow Jesus by keeping our bodies healthy? We cannot tell people to not eat pork and at the same time be gluttons for other things.

We also tell people to tithe, which predates the 10 Commandments like circumcision. We tell them to get baptized and share communion. None of that is the 10 Commandments either.

We imagine some who tell people to not eat pork are also telling people not to bring fish or any meat to the potluck.....and yet, Jesus and His disciples ate fish. And lamb.

Let's not be hypocritical in talking to other people about our health message. Our health message is based on keeping our bodies as clean and fit as possible for Jesus. 

Using any part of the Mosaic Law to do this while ignoring others, makes us as hypocritical as the Pharisees. Choose the right path!

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