Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Who is the Greatest? Mark 9:31-41


In Mark 9:30-41, the disciples are traveling with Jesus, and along the way, they begin to argue among themselves about who is the greatest among them. They are debating their own status and importance within their group.

When they reach Capernaum, Jesus, aware of their argument, asks them what they were discussing on the way. The disciples are silent because they are embarrassed about their argument. Jesus then sits down and calls the Twelve to him. He teaches them an important lesson about humility and service.

Instruction from Jesus

Being First by Being Last: Jesus tells them that if anyone wants to be first, they must be the last and the servant of all. This teaching emphasizes that true greatness in God's kingdom is not about power, status, or dominance but about humility, service, and putting others before oneself.

Welcoming a Child: Jesus takes a little child and places the child among them. He then takes the child in his arms and says, "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me." This further illustrates that welcoming and caring for the most vulnerable and humble, like a child, is a reflection of welcoming Jesus himself and God.

Key Points

The disciples are concerned with worldly status, but Jesus redirects their focus to humility and service.

Jesus uses a child as an example of humility, innocence, and dependence, teaching that greatness in the kingdom of God is found in serving and caring for others, especially the least and most vulnerable.

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