Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Joseph of Arimathea: Mark 15:42-47


In Mark 15:42-47, Joseph of Arimathea plays a crucial role in the burial of Jesus, which holds both theological and narrative significance. Here's an exploration of why his intervention is important, especially given the absence of Jesus' disciples/

 Fulfillment of Prophecy

   Joseph’s actions fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah 53:9, which states that the Messiah would be buried with the rich in his death. Joseph of Arimathea, described as a wealthy and respected member of the Jewish council (the Sanhedrin), provides his own tomb for Jesus' burial. This gesture connects directly with Isaiah’s vision of the suffering servant’s burial, emphasizing Jesus' identity as the prophesied Messiah.

 A Bold Act of Devotion

   In Mark's Gospel, Joseph is described as someone who was "waiting for the kingdom of God" (Mark 15:43). His request to Pilate for Jesus' body is a bold and risky move. Since Jesus had been crucified as an enemy of the state, associating with Him could have endangered Joseph's status and safety. By stepping in when the disciples had fled, Joseph demonstrates a courageous commitment to Jesus, despite the potential personal cost.

 Contrast to the Disciples’ Absence

   All of Jesus’ disciples, except for some women, had scattered by the time of His crucifixion and death. This sets Joseph’s action in sharp contrast to their fear and abandonment. Joseph's initiative serves to highlight the failure of the disciples, yet at the same time, it opens the door for someone outside Jesus' inner circle to act faithfully. This emphasizes that followers of Jesus could emerge from unexpected places.

 Jesus' Dignified Burial

   Crucifixion victims were often left unburied, but Joseph ensures that Jesus is given a proper burial according to Jewish customs. This provides Jesus with a dignified and honorable burial, reinforcing His identity and worth even in death. In the context of Roman crucifixion, which was designed to humiliate, Joseph’s intervention preserves Jesus’ dignity and humanity.

 Preparation for the Resurrection

   Joseph’s role also sets the stage for the resurrection narrative. By placing Jesus in a new, unused tomb, Joseph’s actions provide the necessary conditions for the discovery of the empty tomb, a key element in the resurrection accounts. The presence of a well-known, specific burial site makes it clear that the empty tomb was a verifiable, physical reality.


Joseph of Arimathea’s intervention is significant for its fulfillment of prophecy, its portrayal of bold faith, and its role in preparing the narrative for the resurrection. His courageous actions stand out in a moment when Jesus' closest disciples are absent, symbolizing faithfulness and devotion even under the threat of danger.

More From Sabbath School Lesson 12 Book of Mark

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