Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Will you flee the cities, or will you stand up for God?

So much has been written and said about Adventist tradition about fleeing the cities in the last days. The question is, why? Will that actually save you? Will you be better off? Christians are always told to stand fast in the faith. So why flee?

Not a single one of Jesus' disciples fled. In fact, they put themselves in danger to spread the good news of The Gospel. They could have hid. They could have just gone away and lived normal lives. But they chose to stand up and fight. They wanted people saved.

What would you rather be, one who stands up for God, or one who flees? The 144,000 are the epitome of what Christians should strive for. They are on fire for Jesus like nobody ever has or will be.

Do you think fleeing will save you? Think again.

The planet will be a disaster. You won't be able to grow your own food and get clean water in some Pollyanna fairy land that you envision living. The powers that be will not let you. And even if they did, you would be overrun by others looking for food and water. If you think you can hide, you are sadly mistaken.

Many Adventists think they can buy some land way off and live in peace. Well, you won't be able to buy and sell without The Mark, so how what will you do when your property tax bill comes due? You think you can just expunge yourself from public records?

Do you think you will live in a cave, and eat off the land? As stated above, the world will be an economic and environmental disaster. Your little oasis will be turned into a living hell real quick. Then where will you be?

Revelation is actually comforting to Christians. There really is no need to fear for your lives.

Adventists need to rethink what reality will be.