Thursday, September 5, 2024

Christians Should Avoid Getting Caught Up In Predictions About The Return of Jesus


"What signs of Christ’s coming especially stand out to you in 

the present world?" (pg. 86, The Book of Mark, 3rd qtr. 2024)

Some have been telling people signs of Jesus' return for hundreds of years. Some people alive 180 years ago thought the signs pointed to the return in 1843, then 1844. Then every couple of  years after that.

We have been preaching a Sunday Law for more years than Noah preached the flood. (That is a paraphrase quote from Danny Shelton, 3ABN is his sermon We are not the True Church:

That does not mean it's not going to happen, but we need to stop crying wolf for every world and local event.

Christians can avoid getting caught up in predictions about the return of Jesus by focusing on the core teachings of their faith rather than speculating about future events. 

Trust in God's Timing

Jesus himself emphasized that no one knows the day or hour of His return (Matthew 24:36). Christians are encouraged to trust in God's perfect timing rather than attempting to predict it.

Focus on Living Faithfully

Instead of focusing on signs and predictions, the Bible encourages Christians to live faithfully each day—loving God and their neighbors, following Christ’s teachings, and seeking to grow spiritually (Luke 21:34-36, Matthew 24:42).

Avoid Fear-based Thinking

Fear and anxiety about the end times can detract from the peace and joy that Christ offers. Instead of dwelling on crises or prophetic speculation, Christians can focus on trusting in God’s sovereignty and goodness in every season of life (Philippians 4:6-7).

Be Watchful but Not Obsessed

The Bible calls Christians to be spiritually vigilant and ready for Christ’s return, but without being consumed by speculation (1 Thessalonians 5:2-6). Living with hope and readiness is different from being caught up in every prediction or crisis.

Engage in Meaningful Service

Many teachings of Christ emphasize serving others and making a positive impact in the world. Rather than being distracted by signs and predictions, Christians can focus on serving others and living out their faith in practical ways (Matthew 25:31-46).

Interpret Scripture Wisely

Understanding Biblical prophecy requires humility and discernment. Historically, many predictions about the return of Jesus have been inaccurate. A wise approach is to study scripture carefully while avoiding sensationalism.

By keeping their eyes on Christ and living out their faith each day, Christians can avoid being distracted by the uncertainties of the future.

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