Thursday, September 5, 2024

Beware of False Prophets Jesus Warned us about in Mark 13:22


To be a Christian and avoid false prophets, it’s important to be grounded in your faith, understand biblical teachings, and be discerning. 

The Adventist Church at the moment is proliferating with self-appointed prophets. The pandemic helped usher in a new wave of conspiracy theories and false teachings.

Sadly, many of them remain popular in Adventist circles. You see them on youtube and they peddle a variety of seminars, promising to give you the latest and greatest. Everything in the news is ripe for a new prophecy.

We will not name names, but hope you know exactly who we are talking about. None of what they say ever comes true, and they only comment on an event AFTER it happens.

A well-known Adventist author once said that they do this because they need to keep the money flowing in.

Here are some principles to guide you.

Know the Bible

Study Scripture: Knowing the Bible helps you recognize teachings that contradict its core messages. False prophets often distort or misinterpret Scripture. Familiarize yourself with key biblical truths about God, Jesus, salvation, and Christian living.

Test Everything: Scripture encourages believers to test the spirits to see if they are from God (1 John 4:1). Compare teachings with the Bible to ensure they align with sound doctrine.

Stay in Prayer

Seek God’s Guidance: Regular prayer helps you stay connected to God and receive wisdom and discernment. Ask God to guide you and give you clarity when you encounter teachings that seem questionable.

Pray for Discernment: Specifically, ask for the ability to recognize truth from falsehood. The Holy Spirit can give you insight into deceptive messages or intentions (James 1:5).

Be Aware of the Characteristics of False Prophets

Look for Deceptive Practices: False prophets may claim to speak for God but often distort or twist Scripture for personal gain, power, or fame. Be wary of anyone who teaches in ways that contradict the gospel or promote self over Christ (Matthew 7:15-16).

Check Their Fruits: Jesus said that “by their fruits, you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:20 NIV). Examine the character and lifestyle of teachers. True Christian leaders exhibit love, humility, and a godly character, while false prophets often lead lives that contradict Christian values.

Stay in Community

Engage in Church Fellowship: Surround yourself with other believers who are committed to studying Scripture and holding each other accountable. Church leaders, elders, or trusted Christians can help you discern questionable teachings.

Submit to Sound Teaching: Stay connected to a church that faithfully preaches the Bible. Avoid ministries or individuals who teach isolated, out-of-context, or novel interpretations of Scripture.

Watch for Key Red Flags

Focus on Self or Money: If a prophet or teacher emphasizes personal gain, material wealth, or themselves rather than Christ and the gospel, this could be a red flag (1 Timothy 6:3-5).

Contradicting the Gospel: Be cautious of teachings that deny or distort core elements of the Christian faith, such as the deity of Christ, the need for repentance, or the sufficiency of grace through faith.

Manipulation or Fear: False prophets often use manipulation or fear tactics to control or influence others.

Trust in God’s Protection

Rely on the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is your guide and will lead you into truth (John 16:13). Trust in God’s protection and remain open to His leading as you navigate various teachings.

Remain Humble and Teachable: Always remain open to correction and teaching. If you're ever in doubt, return to the Word and seek counsel from godly, wise people in your life.

Remaining grounded in biblical truth, prayer, and community will protect you from falling prey to false prophets while allowing you to grow in faith and understanding.

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