Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Does turning the other cheek mean accepting Muslim refugees?

The Undercover Adventist has heard some chatter on this subject. About loving your enemies and turning the other cheek. And that we should accept refugees because of this. We beg to differ. It is completely out of context.

Answer this. Do you or did you have small children in your house? Did you lock the doors? Why? Because you are mean and unchristian? Of course not. Do you screen some of the friends your kids hang out with? Do you ever tell your children who and where they should associate themselves? Of course you do. And it does not make you a bigot.

And that,my dear Adventist friends, is the point. Adventist churches kick people out. They ban them. They take them off their membership rolls. Why? Because they will either endanger people in the church, or preach some anti-gospel. Or worse. That's not mean. That's not bigotry. It's to keep people safe. We bet that many who want Muslim refugees, might support restraining orders for an abusive spouse.

If you believe that we should just regularly and with reckless abandon accept Muslim refugees, then you must be willing to go all in. If not, you are a hypocrite. So, don't lock your door. Tell people they cannot get restraining orders. Suggest that schools cannot expel students. Have churches not screen for child molesters. After all, that would be mean, right?

Since the vast majority of terrorist acts are committed in the name of only one religion, it is prudent, not mean, to restrain this. It's also common sense like locking your door at night or blocking bad influences from your children.

It has nothing to do with turning the other cheek or loving your enemies.

It's about keeping your family safe. Letting refugees in makes your children a little less safe. Just like leaving your doors and windows unlocked. In fact, Jesus told a few parables on having your house robbed.

>> The History of Christmas Trivia!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Miracles don't happen today? The world is full of modern day miracles

The miracles that Jesus did were pretty amazing to the people of the day. Raising the dead, healing sickness, and being able to walk through a hostile crowd without being touched. Some say miracles don't happen today. Some say they never did. It's all fairy tales. So the question for the day is, do miracles happen today?

The Undercover Adventist believes that every person on this earth, who God holds accountable, have experienced miracles. Everyone can say something like, "Wow, that was a miracle!" Even those that don't believe in Jesus. How do we know this? Things happen every day to ordinary people. They do get healed. Either by modern medicine or without. Sure, some say this is luck. What do people mean by luck? Perhaps what they mean at least some of the time, is "miracle," not luck.

But of course most of these daily miracles remain only in our minds for a short time. Think about when you thought something was going to be impossible. But it happened. The Berlin Wall falling was such a modern event. Given the climate just 20 years earlier, this was a miracle for those people.

We could mention many things. History is full of miracles. From the founding of this nation, to The Six-Day War. If you don't know anything about that, shame on you.

Our modern conveniences are also miracles. Think about The Apostles. What would they think if you told them someday you will get in an airplane and be anywhere in the world one day. In fact, we would argue that a plane staying up in the air, is a miracle! A scientific miracle!

The Apostles healed people. But they for sure saw a lot of pain, suffering and death due to illness and injury. Modern medicine is indeed a miracle. Take a pill, be cured of an infection. Break your arm, get it x-rayed, set, cast, pinned, and voila! A completely healed arm! Any broken bone two thousand years ago, could result in death, and sure to maim a person for life.

Just about every modern convenience and accomplishment would seem like a miracle to those living just 100 years ago.

Perhaps, just perhaps Jesus works these modern day miracles. Many scientists, doctors, researchers are led by The Holy Spirit. Could we say that some of these breakthroughs were God-led miracles? The principles that make modern medicine what it is today, many times were discovered by men of God.

People today might think that science and God are not compatible. But they have a long history of being intertwined.

And if you meet a modern day scientist who does not believe in God, ask them about evolution. Because the whole theory of evolution would have to be a miracle. In fact, how much belief does it take to actually believe that a complex human body evolved from an explosion? From one cell? From an ape! Now that would indeed be a miracle!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Adventists: The Broken Record of The Same Old Same Old Timeline and Other Such Things

For literally decades, people have heard and preached the same prophetic timelines. And people have lapped it up, swallowed it, and repeated it ad nauseam. Nobody ever seems to do any fact checking. Nobody ever seems to do any historical research. Nobody seems to believe that old prophecies can get changed or even cancelled. Or that new truths can be discovered. But perhaps the tide is finally turning. Maybe, just maybe, the The Undercover Adventist will not be the only ones to question old timelines.

These timelines have so many holes, they are prophetic swiss cheese. Why doesn't anyone ever seem to stand up and say WAIT!!!!! We are not going to pretend we are prophets. Nor are we going to actually come up with new timelines and such. That's not our purpose. The purpose here is to point out that something is either wrong or dramatically missing from old (current(?)) takes.

It's funny when you point out things in history, and the only response you get is, "Ellen White said nothing about it, so it's not important." Too sad, really. As if EGW is the end all to end all.

Think about it. What if people just sat on the current teachings when Jesus came? The so-called learned men of the time rejected Jesus. They had interpreted prophecy WRONG. Think about that for a minute or two. The well-read, teachers, scripture experts, priests, and leaders of Israel WERE WRONG! If everybody went along with the status quo, we would be in deep trouble. Beware of people claiming to be experts. Beware of people telling you that only they have truth. Beware of people telling you that a green wall is blue.

Yes, we will use the analogy of a green wall being blue. Adventists for almost two hundred years have been telling people that some green walls are blue. And people believe it because the experts say it. And they repeat it. When in fact, a green wall is only somewhat blue..perhaps. Yellow and blue make green in paint colors. In light however, green is a separate color from blue.

The Adventist church needs to stop telling people that green walls are blue. To stop putting square pegs in prophetic round holes. To cease and desists ignoring history.

Here are some historical facts.

The Roman Empire never ruled the world. Never.

The Holy Roman Empire never ruled the world. Never.

The biggest false religion on the planet and in the history of the world is Islam. In fact, it's the largest religion ever that has been "Anti-Christ." They kill Christians daily. And the world ignores it. Chew on that.

The biggest empire in the history of the world, as far as land, is the British Empire. It reached it's peak in 1920. The sun once never set over the British Empire.

Can you name the biggest empire in the history of the world, population-wise? That is, what empire has ruled a biggest percentage of the world's population? Hint: It was in China. Today China is the largest atheistic country in the world, and has made the Pope illegal to be followed. Did you know that? Has anyone from a pulpit told you that? Start asking why if you dare.

Who in history has conquered the most people? Would you even be able to come close to that answer? It was Kubla Khan.

The United States was not founded for religious liberty or any other such nonsense about a church. It was about money. The Pilgrims had nothing to do really, with the founding of this country. In fact, it's a myth the Pilgrims on the Mayflower were somehow bent on religious freedom. That was only a small part. Funny thing, the very King that they were supposedly trying to get away from, had to grant them a charter. Did you know that? Did you know that they were backed by wealthy investors? That's right. Even the Pilgrims were coming here for money. Religious freedom was an offshoot. A small part of the founding of this country. We wanted to be free from a lot of things.

The United States did not become a world power until WWI. Shortly before the British Empire reached it's peak. Did we mention they were the biggest empire ever?

Funny thing too, about the British Empire. They had kicked out the Pope and demolished Catholic churches hundreds of years before that. The biggest empire in the history of the world had tossed the Pope out on his ear.

Let's mention the Dutch. Did you ever wonder why such a small insignificant piece of the world had such a huge trade around the world? They were all over the place setting up colonies and trade posts. Amsterdam at one time was the richest city in the world. The world's merchants flocked to be a part of it. Oh yeah. And they had also kicked the Pope out....

We make such a big thing out of a Pope being tossed in jail.....and ignore much more significant events surrounding the Catholic church. And oh yeah. The world could care less that the Pope was tossed in jail. No matter how many times people say it, the world did not care. Revelation makes it clear. Very clear. That these are world events. Of course the empire that defeated the one that tossed the Pope in prison....was The British Empire.

That British Empire just won't go away.

And yet, when was the last time you heard anyone talk about The British Empire when talking about Daniel or Revelation?

Who just voted to leave the EU? Great Britain. The EU is in shambles. Never has been a solid conglomeration anyway. The hysteria that surrounded the EU in some Adventist circles was laughable. They were not telling you reality. Shame on them and the people that promoted them.

There has to be much, much more to end time prophecy than what we have been fed.

Today, 75% of the world is either atheist or nonchristian. Does anyone ever tell you that? And yet, they want to believe that somehow The Pope has big influence today. We at the Undercover Adventist have news for you: Nobody listens to The Pope much anymore, and certainly the world does not care.

Why is it the world is completely concentrated on The Middle East, yet we continue to talk something else.

North Korea, China, India, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, (the list is almost endless) could not care one iota about what The Pope says or does. While we talk up The Pope, ISIS beheads Christians.

Sunday Laws? Hmmmmm. Islam's "Sabbath" is Friday. Who has more influence in world affairs today? Islam or Catholicism? Chew on that. In Islamic countries, the first day of the week is Saturday. Do you ever hear anyone mention that? Whenever someone talks up the hysteria about Sunday Laws, politely mention Islam and Friday. Oh yeah. Mention that Islam has more adherents than The Pope does.

Remember the hysteria brought on by these zealots when Obama met with The Pope last September? You would think Sunday Laws were here. Think about it. How is Obama and The Pope going to team up to rule the rest of the 75% of the world that now could care less not only about The Pope, But Obama and the United States? How can the United States pass any law that the world would adhere to. The UN? Name on thing the UN has enforced. You can't.

China has just ignored an order by the so-called World Court. Yeah. Like that court has any teeth.

Speaking again of China. Where were Adventists when just the following days after meeting The Pope, Obama meets with Xi Jinping. Now that's news. But we bet you have no idea who Jinping is. And that is shameful. He's the leader of the largest atheistic and most anti-religion country on the planet: China. Obama was completely unwilling to do anything or say anything meaningful during this meeting. China still goes about its business, as does Russia. And that business is thumbing there noses at the US.

Here's a sad fact. Some Adventists are creating their own way out. They are now claiming that Islam was created by the Catholic church. Of course they have to come up with stuff like that.

Of course we could go on and on. And we will in other posts. Timelines will need to be changed, or Adventists will continue down the path to another 1844. We should not even have to mention that the forerunners of The Adventist Church have already had one timeline blown apart.

Remember the most learned religious minds before Jesus was born had it all wrong. And these leaders led people down the wrong path.

Before you blindly follow what some so-called expert says, think for yourself. These people NEVER want you to do that.

Ellen G.White herself wrote that there are more signs, more seals, more trumpets. Let's be determined as Adventists to discover them. After all, we claim the voice of prophecy.

If you do not know what is going on in the world, you will indeed be lead down the same false path that has nipped at the heels of Adventists for generations.

Two things Adventists of 100 years ago would not have believed. That an Adventist would be running for President....and that Jesus has not come yet. Are you too, stuck in the past?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Judged on Both Sides, by Ellen G. White.

If you are an Adventist, you have probably been judged on the basis of  Ellen G. White. The Undercover Adventist has just set a new milestone. Having now been judged from both sides. You see, we now get judged by not following Ellen G. White. And now, we are told that we are doing things JUST because of Ellen G. White. Of course Jesus was under attacks such as this. John the Baptist was accused of not eating or drinking, and Jesus was accused of eating and drinking. We believe this is the context of what Jesus meant when he said not to judge.

The Pharisees judged Jesus by he did on the Sabbath. We are certain many Adventists would have been right there accusing as well. After all, on the surface, gathering grain was a BIG no-no on Sabbath. But motives are always the true measurement. And we do not know people's motives.

Ellen G. White does not need anyone to defend her. She can stand on her own merit. Whatever she said must be taken in context and always tracked by The Bible. We can never say to anyone that they must do something because Ellen G. White said it. Warning, joke coming.

At potluck someone brought fish. The potluck leader was aghast and said we don't eat fish. The person replied that Jesus ate fish. Yes, the leader answered. But that was before Ellen G. White.

If you mindlessly follow each and every thing that Mrs. White wrote, that was not her intent. In fact, she did not want her writings to be used from the pulpit, only scripture.

We cannot defend everything Ellen G.White wrote. We don't need to. Anytime anyone says that you must be weird because of a specific thing she wrote, we have simple answers. We don't follow anything Ellen G.White says JUST because she wrote it. End of story. We follow the Bible teachings only. We use her for what she was and is. Nothing more, nothing less. Each person can make up their own minds what to believe. Believing that there are prophets past, present, and future, is what every Christian should believe.

We cannot defend everything that the Apostle Paul wrote either, when taken out of context or as a guide for today. Women today do not need to keep silent. We don't worry about food sacrificed to idols...or do we? These are prime examples that one can use when confronted with those on both sides of the "Ellen White" conflict. We don't follow all that Paul preached. To be saved, we must accept that one does not even need to read EGW.

But the opposite is also true. Why do some ex-Adventists feel the need to bash the woman? Coming out and calling her all sorts of names. No reason. You don't want to believe EGW, no problem. You want to believe EGW, no problem. Adventists should be clear that The Bible is the finals word, and your salvation is does not depend on following EGW. She was a church founder. A prophet. A leader.

Now for those of you who think Ellen G. White is not a prophet, we know of many people who have been called prophets. From Billy Graham to Oral Roberts. From Rick Warren to Max Lucado. Maybe not outright, but many people love and follow their writings and if they were prophets.

If people have trouble reading and following books by lay people, like EGW, then they should also have a problem with reading The Purpose Driven Life as well.

Crafts: The Creation Story

Monday, August 29, 2016

Physical Vs. Spiritual When it Comes to Laws and Rules

The Undercover Adventist has been involved in various judgements brought on by fellow Adventists. Somehow, everything you do that could even have a hint of some past (ancient) pagan practice is bad. In fact, so bad, that one is doomed if one does not stop. Or, if you break a Sabbath rule, or other law in certain Old Testament books, you are a bad person. And bad people just are not following Jesus.  The problem with such judging, is that one is focusing only on the physical, not spiritual. Let's take a look at some glaring examples.

I dare say that many Adventists we've met here, would have been ones to judge Jesus gathering grain on The Sabbath. Think about that one. What have you seen a fellow member do, and think to yourself how they should not be doing such a thing. For every law and statute, there MUST be a spiritual aspect to it. If not, it is just physical. Physical only being mindless following with no purpose but to follow the rule. For this gathering grain example, the accusers were only looking at the physical aspect. They could probably give no real spiritual reason for not gathering grain. But what could be Jesus' spiritual reasons  FOR gathering grain? Well, they were hungry. Fasting is one thing, but Jesus apparently did not want His disciples fasting at this time. He wanted them alert and ready. Listening and learning from Him at this time. That's the spiritual aspect. Jesus was being Godly, even though on the surface it seemed as if He was breaking The Law. But He was not.

Another example was washing of the hands. The disciples did not wash their hands before certain accusers. They quickly chided Jesus for this. Again, they only focused on the physical act, not the spiritual. What did Jesus say? It is not what goes into a man that makes him unclean, but what comes out. Think about that the next time you tell someone not to eat pork. The pharisees were mindless followers of the law, thinking they were pure.

Of course we all remember Jesus healing on The Sabbath. Again, this was breaking The Law. But only the physical act, not the spiritual. Jesus pointed out that if one of their animals were in trouble, they would save it. How much more a man?

This brings up an interesting dilemma which the Undercover Adventist has brought up many times. What jobs are pure on The Sabbath? We look like fools when we excuse one but not another. Moreon that later. Watch for it!

If you see someone doing yoga, and you readily accuse them of practicing some pagan religion, how do you know? You are judging a physical act. If the person looks at you funny, rolls their eyes, you deserve it. The Undercover Adventist would submit that the majority of Christians doing yoga, are doing it for health reasons and would think you were a nut for accusing them of practicing some pagan religion.

You think not? You had better watch yourself by making accusations. Jewish leaders and people accused Jesus of doing just that! He was accused of being demonic when casting out demons! He was also accused and berated for being a drunkard, a glutton, a carouser with sinners, and a waster of money! I would imagine Jesus has good company among fellow believers. They are readily accused of doing physical acts that are wrong, without knowing what spiritual motive they might have!

You do not know what a person's heart is. You do not know what spiritual motive a person might have. If you mindlessly follow rules, and tell other people to follow rules, you are as mindless as the accusers of Jesus. Is that what you want to be?

Perhaps this is why Jesus told people not to judge.

Some say you should not eat out on Sabbath. We know of a person who always takes a certain relative out on that day. And they have explained why, undoubtedly many times. Let's just say there is a spiritual reason for it. If you were to see them doing this, you probably would accuse them of breaking The Sabbath. But spiritually, they have reasons to do what they do. You do not know a person's motive, nor do you walk in their shoes.

Keep that in mind when accusing someone of breaking Sabbath rules. In fact, if you sin on The Sabbath, you are breaking it. If you claim you go all day on Sabbath without sinning, you are a liar. And one should not lie on The Sabbath. So before claiming someone else is breaking some rule, look at the logs in your own eyes. We have plenty of logs in ours. How dare we confront someone on this matter and accuse them!

Don't get us wrong. There are polite, logical, and peaceful ways of having conversations to convict people on certain things. Blind accusations are not one of them.

The Undercover Adventist DOES quote Ellen G. White. And we will quote her now.

"Although priding themselves on their enlightenment, they are ignorant both of the Scriptures and of the power of God. They must have some means of quieting their consciences, and they seek that which is least spiritual and humiliating. What they desire is a method of forgetting God which shall pass as a method of remembering Him." (Taken from Great Controversy, p. 572)

Are you focusing on the physical and not the spiritual?

Was Jonah Swallowed by a Whale?

Monday, August 22, 2016

Why Ben Hur remake flopped at box office

A remake of Ben Hur was released over the weekend, and did not make nearly as much money as it could. It has been deemed a box office flop. Whether that is true or not when all is said and done, is another thing. But there are reasons why this "Biblical" movie may not have caught on.

First, the target audience would have to be over 50. Not the best movie going demographic. Baby boomers will remember Charlton Heston as the bellwether for Ben Hur. How could a remake be THAT good? Perhaps that's what people thought.

The movie, as a lot of Biblical movies are, are not very kid friendly. In 2016, you can bet the chariot race, among others, was violent. Parents would not be taking kids, and kids would not even have a clue about going.

As far as modern movies go, it is quite clean. The Undercover Adventist would like to publicize a website that will give you clear and concise descriptions of what every movie will entail. From adult themes to profanity. Give yourself a heads-up. The site is plugged-in:

Of course we would encourage people to see this new version. Why? Because if a rather clean, Biblical(?) movie flops, it means others may be few and far between.

Let us know what you think if you saw it.

What to be a preschool teacher?

Monday, August 15, 2016

Watching Only Religious Channels is Not Wise

The Undercover Adventist meets quite few people who watch certain channels for what seems like 24/7. I hear it in their conversations. Sure, we watch some of them at times. They have their place. Remember that last line, please. But if all you are doing is sticking your head in the sand of these channels, you are missing out on reality. It is our belief that if that's all you are doing, you are ripe for deception. Why?

You won't know what is going on in the world. You need to know. You need to know the news of the day. What people around the world are doing. What they are thinking. What leaders are doing. Do you even know anything about Vladimir Putin? What he is? Can you name the leader of China? Can you find Syria on a map? Do you know what religion has 800 million followers in India? Do you know what the stock market is doing?

Can you name one law that was passed recently? Can you name a Supreme Court justice? Can you name them all?

If the only thing you are doing is watching people that have a religious agenda, then that's the slant you will get. Make no mistake about it. Each and every channel has an agenda. How do you know they have the right agenda? Humans run these channels. And yes, they will also ask you to send them money to further their agenda. Remember, most of these channels are not owned and operated by the Adventist Church.

You do yourself  a disservice by watching nothing but these channels. You need to be well informed on what is going on in the world. You need to know the reality of the day. Do not be ripe for deception. Watch as much as you can. Digest it. Ponder it. Pray over it.

As we stated before, these channels have their rightful place in your Christian walk. But do not put your faith entirely on what they say and do. If you do, you are missing out on real events going on right now.

The Undercover Adventist would like to reiterate that you need to know what is going on in the world now more than ever!

Read a daily Bible story here!

Will Adventists Ever Publish a Sabbath Manual?

With all the talk we have about The Sabbath, we all have different opinions on it. You say black, I say white. They say swim, others say wade. With all of these different opinions and sides, why not produce a Sabbath Manual? Sound silly? Why? Why not settle these issues once and for all. It makes everyone very judgemental of each other when we can have two, or three, opposing views.

Let's take what many Adventists say about The Sabbath. That it is extremely important. In fact, so important it will affect the "last days." (The Undercover Adventist will have more to say on that later.) If it means SO MUCH, how can we NOT have a manual?

Let's look at a typical, but inane example. Swimming. Or hiking...playing soccer...anything you wish. One person says swimming is just fine on The Sabbath. Another say, no you can only wade to your knees. Another person says, who cares? Just do whatever you want as long as you and God are okay with it. Well, sorry folks. All three of those choices makes other arguments about The Sabbath seem really silly.

If someone is swimming on Sabbath, and we think it is a sin, isn't it our duty as Christians to steer this person to the right? After all, we do not want people breaking Sabbath, right? So if we really think that swimming is a sin, then we should be there to stop it. Why should we look the other way when we see a brother or sister going astray? If Sabbath Keeping is SO IMPORTANT, then let's do it!

But if swimming is not a sin, should we not want to inform those that think it is to believe the right way? After all, we cannot leave it up to the individual to decide what sin is, right? That would be chaos. If swimming is not a sin, and we fail to reveal that, then everyone is free to decide what a sin is. Jesus certainly wanted it to be known that gathering grain on Sabbath was not always a sin. He did not say that for Him it wasn't a sin, but you are free to decide it on your own.

What if we say, "Who cares"? Then again, we are leaving virtually all Sabbath "rules" up for interpretation by the individual. That is, you choose. As long as you are right with God, go for it.

That makes no sense. We cannot have it both ways. We cannot say to people that they can choose to do on The Sabbath whatever they feel is right....and in the same sermon tell them that keeping The Sabbath has consequences at the end times. We never say that about salvation, do we? The Undercover Adventist would like to reiterate that if someone asked us how to be saved, WE WOULD TELL THEM! And make no bones about it!

Perhaps, just perhaps, we are a little mixed up on Sabbath keeping. Sure, that's a shock to a lot of you, and a welcome message (we hope) to most.

The conclusion? We give clear, very clear, instructions on how to be born again in Jesus. But we have no clear instructions on Sabbath Keeping. Sure, some of us have individual "rules" and "convictions" about this or that, but we certainly do not have a manual. And that still is the question....if Sabbath Keeping is so important, so important that it defines us, then why do we not have clear definitions?

We, as a group, seem to fall more frequently on the side of, "Who cares?" Just do what feels right.

If someone asked about salvation, you would not say, "Who cares?" Just do what feels right.

So what is right when it comes to Sabbath Keeping? Will Adventists ever have the nerve to write a manual? If not, then The Undercover Adventist will offer that we had better start looking at Sabbath Keeping in a much different way.

Free Bible Story Coloring Page

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Is Your Dead Relative Looking Down From Heaven?

The state of the dead is one of the biggest arguments going between Adventists and others. Adventists believe that The Bible, overall, teaches plainly that the dead are sleeping. The saints are sleeping in Christ. So what does one say when they hear things like, "Well, my mother must be looking down and smiling."?

It's an awkward situation to say the least. We know it somehow brings comfort to those that say it, and those that believe it. Adventists just can't go charging in at a time like this. Although, many Adventists are quick to put up a fight anywhere, anytime, regardless of feelings or just being "Christian."

We will not really debate the state of the dead here. That's for a different time. As The Undercover Adventist likes to do, well will look at this particular situation using The Bible and logic.

Smiling down from heaven brings up images of people living, looking down, watching our every move. Perhaps a dead mother watching lovingly and smiling as her son does well. Okay. Let's take that as truth, just for argument here. A starting point, if you will.

If that is true, that your departed loved ones are looking down smiling, would they not be crying as well? And even more so? The world is broken. Sin abounds. People, even good people, do bad things. Would you really want your dead mother seeing you cuss someone out on the freeway? We could not have it both ways. Are we saying that the dead are living in heaven, but only being able to see the good things? That makes no sense. Having them able to experience the good, the bad,and the ugly would make no sense. Heaven is a joyful place. There are no more tears.

No more tears would mean your departed loved ones, whether they are awake in heaven to begin with, are most assuredly NOT looking down.

This notion that dead people are watching us is based more on comfort and wishful thinking than The Bible. And it seems to The Undercover Adventist that this is the first step in believing that the dead go right to heaven. But we will leave the true state of the dead for another day.

Check out the daily Bible Quiz.


Friday, July 29, 2016

Adventists, Ellen White, Religious Liberty, and Voting.

We cannot fully support the very radical religious liberty part of the Adventist Church. Why? Because fighting against false and harmful religions is something we as Christians must do. We cannot remain silent, nor tolerate things  that are blatantly unchristian. There is a right and a wrong. For decades, the Adventist Church seems to want to remain silent on political matters. That cannot be anymore. We are seeing more and more political activities by Adventists, and it's about time.

How can we remain silent when people do despicable things to our Christian values, literature, art, writings, and beliefs?

The Adventist Church would want it's members to remain silent. To not talk about who you are voting for. Not to be discussing political ideas. To refrain from trying to persuade people on how to vote. Why? Do we give up our rights as US citizens solely because we are Adventists? We think not. In fact, we have only the Apostle Paul to look to for guidance. He demanded justice as a Roman Citizen, and was not going to give up his rights just because he converted to Christianity. In fact, the more he preached The Gospel, the more it seems he talked about converting those in power! What a contrast to the way we are asked to remain silent.

It had to happen. As Christian values have been attacked more and more, we have allowed other churches to dictate the narrative. Why? Why cannot Adventists stand up and be counted!

We claim we need to get rid of Ten Commandment displays in public, then turn a blind eye and deaf ear as Antichristianity is on full display! Why are we cheering such nonsense?

We have a moral, ethical, and yes, religious obligation to speak up about these things. What more right should we exercise than voting?

Ellen G. White was a champion of the temperance movement. She readily joined the fight against tobacco and alcohol. She knew the evils they cause. Did she remain silent? Absolutely not! In fact, she told people that if laws are to be voted on to ban these things, and that voting was to be taken on the Sabbath, then go ahead and vote on Sabbath!

Now what more important moral issues today are to be decided by the Supreme Court? And guess who gets to decide who is on the Supreme Court?

If you think that Adventists should be timid and silent, you not doing your duty.

If there was ANY church that should be standing up, taking a stand, in a loud voice, it the Adventist Church!

Yes, we are talking about members.We are talking about your workplaces. The streets. The parks. Your neighborhood. We know that individual churches cannot endorse, nor can pastors endorse from the pulpit.

But you cannot remain silent in church. You can indeed mention things that are important, and what needs to be considered when you vote. And yes, they can encourage you to vote!

Indeed, we have religious liberty. We have the liberty to proclaim right from wrong, and The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Remaining silent is NOT and option.