For literally decades, people have heard and preached the same prophetic timelines. And people have lapped it up, swallowed it, and repeated it ad nauseam. Nobody ever seems to do any fact checking. Nobody ever seems to do any historical research. Nobody seems to believe that old prophecies can get changed or even cancelled. Or that new truths can be discovered. But perhaps the tide is finally turning. Maybe, just maybe, the The Undercover Adventist will not be the only ones to question old timelines.
These timelines have so many holes, they are prophetic swiss cheese. Why doesn't anyone ever seem to stand up and say WAIT!!!!! We are not going to pretend we are prophets. Nor are we going to actually come up with new timelines and such. That's not our purpose. The purpose here is to point out that something is either wrong or dramatically missing from old (current(?)) takes.
It's funny when you point out things in history, and the only response you get is, "Ellen White said nothing about it, so it's not important." Too sad, really. As if EGW is the end all to end all.
Think about it. What if people just sat on the current teachings when Jesus came? The so-called learned men of the time rejected Jesus. They had interpreted prophecy WRONG. Think about that for a minute or two. The well-read, teachers, scripture experts, priests, and leaders of Israel WERE WRONG! If everybody went along with the status quo, we would be in deep trouble. Beware of people claiming to be experts. Beware of people telling you that only they have truth. Beware of people telling you that a green wall is blue.
Yes, we will use the analogy of a green wall being blue. Adventists for almost two hundred years have been telling people that some green walls are blue. And people believe it because the experts say it. And they repeat it. When in fact, a green wall is only somewhat blue..perhaps. Yellow and blue make green in paint colors. In light however, green is a separate color from blue.
The Adventist church needs to stop telling people that green walls are blue. To stop putting square pegs in prophetic round holes. To cease and desists ignoring history.
Here are some historical facts.
The Roman Empire never ruled the world. Never.
The Holy Roman Empire never ruled the world. Never.
The biggest false religion on the planet and in the history of the world is Islam. In fact, it's the largest religion ever that has been "Anti-Christ." They kill Christians daily. And the world ignores it. Chew on that.
The biggest empire in the history of the world, as far as land, is the British Empire. It reached it's peak in 1920. The sun once never set over the British Empire.
Can you name the biggest empire in the history of the world, population-wise? That is, what empire has ruled a biggest percentage of the world's population? Hint: It was in China. Today China is the largest atheistic country in the world, and has made the Pope illegal to be followed. Did you know that? Has anyone from a pulpit told you that? Start asking why if you dare.
Who in history has conquered the most people? Would you even be able to come close to that answer? It was Kubla Khan.
The United States was not founded for religious liberty or any other such nonsense about a church. It was about money. The Pilgrims had nothing to do really, with the founding of this country. In fact, it's a myth the Pilgrims on the Mayflower were somehow bent on religious freedom. That was only a small part. Funny thing, the very King that they were supposedly trying to get away from, had to grant them a charter. Did you know that? Did you know that they were backed by wealthy investors? That's right. Even the Pilgrims were coming here for money. Religious freedom was an offshoot. A small part of the founding of this country. We wanted to be free from a lot of things.
The United States did not become a world power until WWI. Shortly before the British Empire reached it's peak. Did we mention they were the biggest empire ever?
Funny thing too, about the British Empire. They had kicked out the Pope and demolished Catholic churches hundreds of years before that. The biggest empire in the history of the world had tossed the Pope out on his ear.
Let's mention the Dutch. Did you ever wonder why such a small insignificant piece of the world had such a huge trade around the world? They were all over the place setting up colonies and trade posts. Amsterdam at one time was the richest city in the world. The world's merchants flocked to be a part of it. Oh yeah. And they had also kicked the Pope out....
We make such a big thing out of a Pope being tossed in jail.....and ignore much more significant events surrounding the Catholic church. And oh yeah. The world could care less that the Pope was tossed in jail. No matter how many times people say it, the world did not care. Revelation makes it clear. Very clear. That these are world events. Of course the empire that defeated the one that tossed the Pope in prison....was The British Empire.
That British Empire just won't go away.
And yet, when was the last time you heard anyone talk about The British Empire when talking about Daniel or Revelation?
Who just voted to leave the EU? Great Britain. The EU is in shambles. Never has been a solid conglomeration anyway. The hysteria that surrounded the EU in some Adventist circles was laughable. They were not telling you reality. Shame on them and the people that promoted them.
There has to be much, much more to end time prophecy than what we have been fed.
Today, 75% of the world is either atheist or nonchristian. Does anyone ever tell you that? And yet, they want to believe that somehow The Pope has big influence today. We at the Undercover Adventist have news for you: Nobody listens to The Pope much anymore, and certainly the world does not care.
Why is it the world is completely concentrated on The Middle East, yet we continue to talk something else.
North Korea, China, India, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, (the list is almost endless) could not care one iota about what The Pope says or does. While we talk up The Pope, ISIS beheads Christians.
Sunday Laws? Hmmmmm. Islam's "Sabbath" is Friday. Who has more influence in world affairs today? Islam or Catholicism? Chew on that. In Islamic countries, the first day of the week is Saturday. Do you ever hear anyone mention that? Whenever someone talks up the hysteria about Sunday Laws, politely mention Islam and Friday. Oh yeah. Mention that Islam has more adherents than The Pope does.
Remember the hysteria brought on by these zealots when Obama met with The Pope last September? You would think Sunday Laws were here. Think about it. How is Obama and The Pope going to team up to rule the rest of the 75% of the world that now could care less not only about The Pope, But Obama and the United States? How can the United States pass any law that the world would adhere to. The UN? Name on thing the UN has enforced. You can't.
China has just ignored an order by the so-called World Court. Yeah. Like that court has any teeth.
Speaking again of China. Where were Adventists when just the following days after meeting The Pope, Obama meets with Xi Jinping. Now that's news. But we bet you have no idea who Jinping is. And that is shameful. He's the leader of the largest atheistic and most anti-religion country on the planet: China. Obama was completely unwilling to do anything or say anything meaningful during this meeting. China still goes about its business, as does Russia. And that business is thumbing there noses at the US.
Here's a sad fact. Some Adventists are creating their own way out. They are now claiming that Islam was created by the Catholic church. Of course they have to come up with stuff like that.
Of course we could go on and on. And we will in other posts. Timelines will need to be changed, or Adventists will continue down the path to another 1844. We should not even have to mention that the forerunners of The Adventist Church have already had one timeline blown apart.
Remember the most learned religious minds before Jesus was born had it all wrong. And these leaders led people down the wrong path.
Before you blindly follow what some so-called expert says, think for yourself. These people NEVER want you to do that.
Ellen G.White herself wrote that there are more signs, more seals, more trumpets. Let's be determined as Adventists to discover them. After all, we claim the voice of prophecy.
If you do not know what is going on in the world, you will indeed be lead down the same false path that has nipped at the heels of Adventists for generations.
Two things Adventists of 100 years ago would not have believed. That an Adventist would be running for President....and that Jesus has not come yet. Are you too, stuck in the past?