Sunday, November 5, 2017

Do Dogs go to Heaven?

Let's get to the heart of the matter. Will your pets be in heaven? You love them. You cherish them. They are part of the family, right? So why would not your pets go to heaven with you?

(Now we have to say here that humans say things to make other humans feel better. Nothing wrong with that, in most cases. A lot of bad doctrine gets spewed around in the interest of, "Making people feel better.")

Will YOUR dog go to heaven? We here the Undercover Adventist can say 100% surety, that your pets will not be greeting you in heaven. Let's do this quick, and as painless as possible.

Birds and fish were created on Day 5. On Day 6 of Creation, God created animals that crawled around on the ground. That would include cats, dogs, and other four legged creatures. Those two days of creation make up virtually anything you would have for a pet.

Look at the creation of Man.

Gen 1:26-28 "26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

Gen 2:7 " And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Nowhere does God ever make animals out of His own image.

Nowhere does God ever breathe into an animal and make it a living soul.

Let's now look at John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"

Can your pets believe in Jesus? Did Jesus die on the cross for your dog?

Jesus came to save YOUR soul. Not your pets. As much as love them, they are possessions.

We are sure that people have cars, houses, boats, even money, that they love and cherish. You will not be bringing those to heaven either.

You want the end all to end all about this question? Jesus said you won't even have a spouse in heaven. That's right. You cannot choose to have a wife in heaven.

But you think you will have your pet?

Do you love and cherish your sons, daughters, wives, husbands, aunts, uncles....and think that just because of that, they will be in heaven?

If someone asked you if you will be able to bring your unsaved son into heaven, you would most assuredly say, "No!" And rightly so.

God is such a god, that he will allow you to bring an animal to heaven, but a not a human being?

Literally millions of humans will be burned up. And yet, you would believe that your neighbor's dog will be with him in heaven?

 Some say that if you are a Christian, then your pets will automatically go to heaven. That makes no sense. Will your children automatically go to heaven? 

Man was made in the image of God.

Jesus died on the cross to save the souls of mankind. Not animals.

Yes, we believe there will be animals in heaven. Animals that we have never seen. Animals that will be so outrageously beautiful, we cannot imagine.

Our lives will be so fulfilled by Jesus and our surroundings, we will not even be thinking about our old lives on the old Earth.

We will be the bride of Christ, experiencing immeasurable pleasure.

We say a lot of things to make people feel better, but we must be scriptural accurate.

We must believe that God did create animals, and they populated this Earth. What ultimately comes of them, is up to God. But to stretch it to say you will bring your cat to heaven, but not your best human friend (if they are lost) would not be justice or mercy.

We will not need pets to complete our lives in heaven, nor make us any happier.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Should Adventists "Celebrate" Halloween?

No, Adventists should not celebrate halloween. But that does not mean they should hide either. If you lock the doors, turn off the lights, then hope no trick or treaters come by, shame on you. You are not doing what you should be doing: Evangelizing.

If you are home, and you know children will be trick or treating in your neighborhood, you should be telling them about Jesus. Various candies come with tracts that you can pass out. You can also give them pencils with verses, cross erasers, etc. It does not have to be candy. should be telling them about Jesus in some way. Buy little bags and put tracts in them with the goodies. Put a little note about coming to your church.

Allowing the devil to completely have the day is nonsense. Why are YOU not taking it back?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

1844: The Great Deception

Adventists are rooted in one of the biggest prophecy scams ever. And we seem to embrace it. We even give it a nice name, The Great Disappointment. It was anything BUT. It was a great deception.

William Miller was not wrong once, but three times. He made three, yes, THREE, false predictions about the Second Coming. Why do we dwell on the third one? Because he tripled down on this on. He was deceived and deceived many. Thousands of people were hurt.

Miller was warned. Many times. Other Christian leaders around the world called him on this. He would not listen.

William Miller claimed he heard the voice of God, and it gave him this false prophecy.

He led people down the garden path, not to some great spiritual awakening.

We even go so far as to praise and complement the people that followed followed this false preaching, as if doing so was a sign of being a great Christian.

How silly.

Adventists need to distance themselves from such nonsense. And call it what it was:
A Great Deception.

Sure, something good came out of it. The Seventh Day Adventist Church. But that does not in any way, shape, or form, make The Great Deception anything else.

Since we have embraced this "Great Disappointment," we live in a glass house of false prophecies. We had better not throw too many stones. After all, we embrace one of the biggest false prophecies in history of Christiandom.

Will you fall victim to another prophecy scam?

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Adventists, Tattoos, and Things That are Unclean

You have heard it many time. People judging others on tattoos because they just know The Bible forbids them. They are quick to read Lev 19:28:
"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord."

So there. Plain as day. They got you! Unfortunately, these people only have themselves. They take a verse out of context and wield it like a Biblical weapon. Let's actually read the verse before along with this verse. Lev 19: 27,28:

"27 Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.
28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord."

Whoa! What about that beard thing? Funny, just heard a chap with a beard brag about calling someone out for having tattoos! And his beard was round!

Why do we never tell men to not trim the corners of their beards? Or their heads? Do we detest tattoos so much, that we allow beard cutting? How hypocritical!

In fact, the whole chapter and book of Leviticus is chock full of do's and don'ts. But we ignore 99.99% of them!

Reading Leviticus is quite an eye opener. Many things were unclean. Not just pork. Somehow, pork has been shamed in something special. But who made the choice to allow other unclean things?

A woman during her menstrual period was unclean and was to follow strict rules and be cleansed.

Also heard a man say that The Bible is not ambiguous and we need to not use it to justify tattoos. They are flat out wrong and we need to be firm.

Well now. The pharisees had Jesus on the same points when He was gathering grain. After all, if Adventists indeed think The Bible is NOT ambiguous, then we must not allow Jesus to gather grain on The Sabbath. A clear violation!

The very verses we use to justify our condemnation of others, were used on Jesus.

It begs the question. have we been freed by Jesus, or not?

The sanctuary service was reserved for good looking males without blemish. No cripples. Do we have that rule for our head pastors? Why not? The Bible is not ambiguous.

The Bible is not ambiguous. The Bible is interpreted by men. It is our interpretations that are ambiguous.

Beware what verse you use to judge people with. They may well answer you the way Jesus' answered the pharisees.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Will you flee the cities, or will you stand up for God?

So much has been written and said about Adventist tradition about fleeing the cities in the last days. The question is, why? Will that actually save you? Will you be better off? Christians are always told to stand fast in the faith. So why flee?

Not a single one of Jesus' disciples fled. In fact, they put themselves in danger to spread the good news of The Gospel. They could have hid. They could have just gone away and lived normal lives. But they chose to stand up and fight. They wanted people saved.

What would you rather be, one who stands up for God, or one who flees? The 144,000 are the epitome of what Christians should strive for. They are on fire for Jesus like nobody ever has or will be.

Do you think fleeing will save you? Think again.

The planet will be a disaster. You won't be able to grow your own food and get clean water in some Pollyanna fairy land that you envision living. The powers that be will not let you. And even if they did, you would be overrun by others looking for food and water. If you think you can hide, you are sadly mistaken.

Many Adventists think they can buy some land way off and live in peace. Well, you won't be able to buy and sell without The Mark, so how what will you do when your property tax bill comes due? You think you can just expunge yourself from public records?

Do you think you will live in a cave, and eat off the land? As stated above, the world will be an economic and environmental disaster. Your little oasis will be turned into a living hell real quick. Then where will you be?

Revelation is actually comforting to Christians. There really is no need to fear for your lives.

Adventists need to rethink what reality will be.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Protecting the envoronment is one thing. Worshiping the gods of science is another.

Christians do not have to worry about global warming.

Gen 8:22

 “As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”

The world will burn...but we won't experience the heat.

Watch out!
There is a new religion in town. Its name is SCIENCE. You are to bow down in authority to anything a group of scientists says. You must believe every word. If not, you will not be tolerated. You will suffer dire consequences.

When one talks about climate change, one must be careful as to not be bowing down at the feet of science. Christians of all people need to watch how they treat modern day science and its self-proclaimed "truth." After all, science says The Bible is just fairy tales. Which side do you belong?

Global warming is the hot issue, no pun intended. But it's actually more. It's about changing your life to meet the wants and needs of the new gods: scientists.

Before you just think that global warming is an environmental issue, think for yourself. These same "scientists" who claim to be infallable on climate change, also tell you to believe in evolution. But it does not stop there. They tell you to stop believing in fairy tales. There is no God. No Jesus that rose from the dead. Bill Nye the (so-called) Science Guy tells parents up front to NOT let their children become involved in believing in The Bible.

They believe the Big Bang Theory. We came here by chance. No design from God.

But even their "science" is flawed. They don't care. You MUST bow down and worship.

Consider the following when talking about global warming:

Scientists believe the last ice age occurred 10-50,000 years ago. Okay. What did man do to cause that? And the Earth survived just fine. Man survived. Amazing.

North America was once covered by an ocean...if you believe science. Hmmmm. Christians also believe the land was covered with water. But they fear rising sea levels. Why could they fear rising sea levels? After all, it would seem the "normal" would be for The United States. to be covered with water. So what normal are they talking about? Their normal? Or God's normal?

Modern science has only been able to measure weather accurately for perhaps 100 years. And you want to trust that data against the last 6,000?

Christians of all people believe in climate change. The times of Adam, Eve, The Flood, and creation are our way of saying the planet's climate has changed many times. And man survives.

Science now says that if you do not follow them, the end of the world is coming.

Christians tell you to follow Jesus BECAUSE the end of the world is coming.

Do not put your lot in with a group of atheists who have nothing good planned for you. They want dominance.

Can you imagine a world ruled by scientists? They once believed the world was flat.

Not a week goes by that a new study is published about something that negates a previous study.

Scientists are very quick to be the first to discredit someone else.

Is this a group you will bow down to? They believe man evolved from apes.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Do Christians Have Free Will? Will They Always Have Free Will in Heaven?

People talk a lot about free will and Christianity. That Christians have free will and that is somehow a special trait that makes everything right. The Undercover Adventist has some bad news. Christians now do not have true free will, and we will ultimately give up virtually all free will as we know it. Let's talk about present tense first.

You take the first step using your will to become a Christian. Then it might come as a shock to many of you that we now must rely and trust on The Father's will. Not what I want, but what God wants.

So we are in fact giving up our free will. Just like the song....Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and Make after Thy will.....

That song is not a lie. We choose to follow Christ. In doing so, we are to strive to give our will over to God. Let's look at a part of The Lord's Prayer: "...Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." There's that "will" part again.

In fact, why would you want your will to even survive? And that leads to the second part. Our free will in the future, heaven.

God will not allow anyone in with a sinful nature. Our free will on Earth is part of our sinful nature. If you think you could not sin with your present free will, then you could save yourself.

We will be new creatures. What does that mean? Do you really want all aspects of your old self tagging along with you to heaven? Do you think God will put a seal on people who cannot let go of their free will? The seal of God alone will make it impossible for you to sin.

The Apostle Paul wrote many times about how we will become incorruptible. We will be completely new creatures devoid of our human weaknesses. The Undercover Adventist could not stay one minute in heaven without thinking an unclean thought if our free will was intact....completely.

Still not convinced? Okay, let's try a different and logical approach. Wouldn't you love to have your wife in heaven? Or husband? And be married forever? But what does Jesus say? We will not be married in heaven. My free will would love to remain married to my spouse in eternity. But I must give that person up. Jesus makes it very clear that humans in heaven will not be the same humans as earthly ones.

Here are more examples. Whatever your lot in life affects your free will. Whatever you are affects your free will. I would love to to fly like a bird. But I am not a bird. I cannot flap my arms fast enough to fly...even though I WANT TO FLY! My nature does not allow it. I do not have the choice to fly like a bird. Likewise a bird cannot do anything man can do. The bird's choices are limited.

Our choices will not be the same as they are now. We will only have good choices to make. Our free will is not going to be able to choose bad things. Bad things will not be an option for us to choose, no more so than keeping your spouse.  We will have freedom to choose whatever good things are in heaven. Earthly sinful choices will not be around. We will in fact be NEW creatures, devoid of human sinful natures. It is our sinful natures that we will not be able to choose anymore. So yes, as we conclude this, you will only be able to choose right, holy, good, decent, obedient, and Godly things. All other "free will" choices will be off the table.

On Earth we have a choice, go to church on Sabbath or go to a bar and drink. In heaven, we might have a choice to sing on Sabbath or fellowship with Jesus and drink His full measure. The free will choice of going to a bar and drinking, will not be there.

Be careful when you talk about free will. Your choices will be holy, not unholy. There will be no unholy choices in heaven. The thought of going to a bar on Sabbath will be totally removed from your memory.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Should Churches Support the Johnson Amendment?

Update May 4, 2017. Pres. Trump sign an executive order doing away with tax rules on pastors. We say GOOD RIDDANCE!

1954 Lyndon Johnson pushed an amendment through that made churches lose their charity tax free status if they supported candidates from the pulpit. Was this a good thing?

Not really. At first glance, you might think, sure! We don't need churches supporting candidates or getting involved in politics. That's a shortsighted approach. Christians are not outside of society and we don't give up our rights. In fact, current climate has made it tough to even admit that you are a Christian outside a church!

Why was this amendment not a good thing? First of all, if you support it, then you support the idea of government regulating churches. This is indeed a regulation of YOUR church. The government is telling you what you cannot say. Sure, all that happens is that you lose your tax free status. No big deal if you consider a church a business. The profit margin would be next to nothing. But the property taxes might get hit.

Anyway, let's get back to the government regulating what a pastor can say. That is never a good idea, even if the rule is one you support. You have now given precedent for the government making more rules.

Consider the consequences if you take the ban of political action from the pulpit or church grounds.
  • You cannot talk about abortion in a political way. You cannot tell your congregation to support candidates who are against it. If there are state initiatives on it, you can't talk about it. Abortion is a very hot political subject.
  • Ditto for gay marriage. Wouldn't you have the duty to tell your congregation that The Bible clearly is against it? Many states have had voters vote on this very thing.
  • Anti-smoking, drinking, marijuana, drugs, etc. laws are off limits too.
  • Anything that political candidates come out for or against is off limits. Read the platforms of each party during the last presidential election. We'll bet those topics were preached about.
  • You would not be able to say that you agree or disagree with any political figure. Doing so would be seen as an endorsement of the side that agrees with you.
  • You will not be able to invite current politicians such as mayors, or city council members. If they are in your congregation one morning, you would not be able to introduce them. In fact, you had better not have any meetings with them, even if it's in an unofficial capacity. A pastor is really never in an unofficial capacity, are they? Can they leave their morals and loyalty to The Bible at the door? Just meeting with a public official could be seen as political.
But it really gets back to why the government keeping track of what pastors say is a good idea. It's not. There should be no laws for or against churches.

Yes, pastors should have no political agenda when they preach. But just the very fact that they teach The Bible means they will make statements about right and direct conflict with political candidates.

If there are two candidates, one supporting gay marriage and abortion, the other against, and a pastor gives a sermon on gay marriage and abortion....look out! You could be seen as endorsing a candidate.

Churches should not welcome any rules like this.

If if it means losing tax free status, bring it on. We should not be dancing with the government anyway. Unions get away with endorsing candidates by only being taxed on the time and effort they devote to this purpose. Churches could do the same.

Remember, we are not talking about endorsing candidates outright. But our Biblical beliefs and morals cannot be separated from current candidates. Pastors will be left with very shallow sermons. Even mentioning certain sins could be cause for alarm.

Voters are not as stupid as we think. Big unions endorse losing candidates all the time. Newspapers endorse candidates that lose. Endorsing candidates is not really a big deal. It makes more noise in the news media than it does to voters.

The bottom line is that we should not be allowing the government to make any laws about what can be preached. Americans should not lose a right just because they are in a church.

While this church has remained silent, we have taken The Bible out of schools, watched silently as millions of babies have been aborted, shrugged as gay rights and marriage have become laws, and relinquished our duties to the poor.

Are we really going to remain silent? Did people in The Bible remain silent?

Our sermons should never be based on whether they will follow some government rule. And by the way, the separation of church and state is nonexistent in our Constitution.