Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31–34; John 3:1–21; Hebrews 8:10
Introduction: The human heart, apart from God, is broken and stained by sin. But our merciful God has always planned to renew us from the inside out. Through His promise in Jeremiah, the teaching of Jesus to Nicodemus, and the fulfillment in Christ, we see God’s commitment to transforming us with a new heart and a new birth.
I. The Promise of a New Heart (Jeremiah 31:31–34) Jeremiah speaks of a new covenant where God will write His law upon our hearts. The old covenant, based on external adherence to the Law, was not sufficient to change human nature. But God promises a radical transformation—He will be our God, and we will be His people. This is not just about following rules but having an internal transformation where obedience flows from a heart aligned with Him.
II. The Necessity of a New Birth (John 3:1–21) Nicodemus, a Pharisee, comes to Jesus at night seeking understanding. Jesus tells him, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). This puzzled Nicodemus, but Jesus explained that the new birth is spiritual, not physical. Just as Jeremiah prophesied a new heart, Jesus speaks of being born of water and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings regeneration, making us new creations in Christ.
III. The Fulfillment of the Promise (Hebrews 8:10) The writer of Hebrews quotes Jeremiah, confirming that Jesus has established this new covenant. Through Christ’s sacrifice, God’s law is not merely written on tablets of stone but inscribed on our hearts. We no longer strive for righteousness through our works; instead, God transforms us by His grace, making us His children.
Conclusion: God’s promise to give us a new heart is fulfilled through Christ’s work on the cross and the Spirit’s transforming power. The call to Nicodemus is the call to us all: we must be born again. This is not a self-improvement project but a divine work of grace. Have you received the new heart that God offers? Are you living in the joy of the new covenant? Let us surrender to God’s work in us, embracing the transformation He promises.
More: Lesson 13 Love Is the Fulfillment of the Law
Next Quarter: Allusions, Images, Symbols: How to Study Bible Prophecy